Easter Lilies sitting in formation |
Latitude | Longitude |
N 26 44.309 | E 127 48.541 |
Yuri Matsuri (ゆり まつり)
, Ie Island
From late April to the first week of May, Ie Island (Ie Jima – sometimes written as Ie Shima) host the Yuri Matsuri (ゆり まつり), also known as the Lily Festival. Here you will see arrays and arrays of white trumpets along an entire field in a small section of Ie Jima's northeastern corner. The area couldn't be any more perfect with the open ocean in the immediate background accompanied by the nice ocean breeze. It is one of the more scenic flower festivals you will find here on Okinawa Prefecture. These flowers (Lilium longiflorum) are better known by their common name, the 'Easter Lily', which are actually native to the Ryukyu Islands. If you are looking for a small off-island adventure to another small island then this will be the perfect trip. Ie Jima has many beautiful areas that can be seen during a one-day-stay such as
Wajee Viewpoint,
Mt. Gusuku, and the
Niyathiya Cave.
Festival Information.
Time Period. Late April to 1st Week of May
(2017, April 22 to May 7)
Admission Fee. Free
Phone Number (Festival Infomation). 098 049 2906
Official Festival Blog.
Download Flyer (Japanese).
Parking. Available at the Lily Field
Shuttle Transportation (Festival Period only). Shuttle transportation is available from Ie Port to the Lily Field. Shuttle fee (may vary over time). As of 2013, 12 years to Adults, 250 Yen / Children between 5 and 12, 100 Yen. Kids 5 and under are free. Each price is one way.
Bike Rentals. Generally, 1000 Yen rental fee for the entire day. The bike rental facility is at the port. It is an estimated 25-30 minute bike ride to the Lily field from Ie Port.
Bringing Your Own Bicycle. You can bring your own bicyle on the ferry. A surcharge will be added. See website below under Motobu Port/Ferry Transportation Information for pricing.
Motobu Port/Ferry Transportation Information. In order to get to Ie Island you can depart from either Naha or Motobu Port.
The following information is for Motobu only.
Motobu Port Directions. To get to Motobu Port take Highway 58 going north towards Nago City and then turn onto Highway 449 going towards the Motobu Peninsula. The port will be just before the Sesoko Bridge. Scroll downward on the map above. There will be a balloon icon designating Motobu Port. GPS coordinates for Motobu Port are
N26 38.442, E127 52.803
Motobu Port Phone Number. 098 047 3940 (although not fluent in English, staff members are accustom to English speaking travelers)
Ferry Schedule. See website below.
Individual Ticket/Vehicle Prices. See website below.
Vehicle Reservations. Reservations in advance are required in order to bring your vehicle to and back from Ie Island. Make reservations at the phone number above. See website below for fee prices. You will have to provide your name, make of vehicle and vehicle length in meters to the Motobu Port Office.
Vehicle check-in. When you check in at the ticket office
in person, they will give you a ticket stub and instruct you which lane you have to line up your car (the
lane numbers will be visible. They are near the ferry loading ramp). Please check in at the ticket office about 30 to 40 minutes before the ferry departs.
Vehicle Loading. Only the driver is required to be in the vehicle during loading. All other passengers can walk on the ferry. When ready, a port personnel with a whistle will direct vehicles one by one. Once he directs you, you will have to position your vehicle so as to back it in. Once you have your car in position he will take your ticket stub. Port personnel will direct you all the way in. You are not required to stay in the vehicle during the ferry ride. Just ensure your car is turned off, doors locked, and parking breaks engaged. Just ensure you return back to your car 10 minutes before the ferry arrives at Ie Port. The process is the same on your return trip. Do not lose the other half of your round trip ticket stub. You will need it in order to return to the main island. Caution. Once the ferry ramp drops down there is tremendous amount of loading and off-loading activity at an amazing speed. Please watch your children at all times in this area.
Website. http://www.iejima.org
Directions to the Lily Field from Ie Port. You will have to navigate to Highway 225 which is relatively close to Ie Port. Once you are on Highway 225, travel initially in an easterly direction (going in a counter-clockwise direction). You will see tourism signs directing you the way, as well as festival
banners that guide you in.
Travel Tips. 1) Golden Week. The last week of the festival coincides with Golden Week, A Major Tourism Period for Japanese Citizens. It will be crowded. Consider making vehicle reservations as early as possible. 2) ATM. Bring plenty of Yen to cover your entire stay. The Japanese Post Office on Ie Jima does have an ATM that accepts the Plus© System. You can withdraw Yen there (additional service fees will be applied).
Easter Lily Information.